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cracked heel cream for relief and repair of heels

Cracked and damaged heels with deep fissures is most common issue faced by ladies than in men. This usually seen in people who walk too long on rough and uneven land area.

This symptoms of cracked heel are known as termed Padadari in Ayurvedic terms. Pada refers foot or heels, and dari or darana means breaking or the cracks.

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Cracked and damaged heels with deep fissures is most common issue faced by ladies than in men. This usually seen in people who walk too long on rough and uneven land area.

This symptoms of cracked heel are known as termed Padadari in Ayurvedic terms. Pada refers foot or heels, and dari or darana means breaking or the cracks. 

In Ayurveda the known cause of cracked heels is imbalance of Vata Dosha. Ayurveda has got a wide range of treatment solutions for cracked heel. Based on those solutions we have come up with a Ayurvedic cream for Cracked heel, which not only repairs the cracked heels but also softens the heel area.

Reasons which can cause cracked heels.

  • In some people it happens due to their body nature, diet, lifestyle, profession or a combination this all.

Few other reasons

  • Prolonged standing on arduous floors.
  • Walking barefoot on rough lands.
  • Running on irregular, rugged surface.
  • Bitter, astringent, pungent food.
  • Late night work (night shift work).

#crackheelcream #softenskin #burnskin #skincuts #tenderness #rudraksha #ayurvedshakti

  • Relief from Padadari (cracked feet).
  • Recovers from damaged heels with deep fissures.
  • Beneficial in healing skin wounds.
  • moisturizes damaged or hard skin.
  • Fills Minor Cuts.
  • Helps in covering Burned skin patched.
  • Scrapes.        
  • Provides Tenderness.
  • Itching.
  • making skin healthier with necessary nutrients.

Mineral Oil, Amsul, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, CPW, Fragrance

  • Apply gently on dry or effected area of skin regularly.
  • After applying if its feet, please do wear socks. So it will stay for long time.
  • Other places can kept open if cannot be covered.

  • नियमित रूप से त्वचा के सूखे या प्रभावित क्षेत्र पर धीरे से लागू करें।
  • अगर इसके पैर लगाने के बाद, कृपया मोजे पहनें। तो यह लंबे समय तक रहेगा।
  • यदि कवर नहीं किया जा सकता है तो अन्य स्थानों को खुला रखा जा सकता है।
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